Lead Time Calculators
Lead Time Calculators can be used to promote your company, brand and products, printed with your logo and contact details.
Email now for further information and prices scalerules@netspace.net.au
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Lead Time Calculator
Examples of Lead Time Calculators printed with a logo and contact details
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Article by Alan Jones
Lead Time Calculators are a great tool to plan your work
There are some common sayings about planning that we have all heard, such as, ‘plan your work and work your plan’, and ‘do it once and do it well’. How many times have you heard companies say that they ‘under promise and over deliver’? They do this by perfecting their Lead Times, their systems and their planning. All of these attributes come down to one thing, good planning to follow the systems and procedures set out by the organisation. Planning can take many forms, from scheduling a plan for a full year of tasks and projects, to doing detailed planning of tasks and lead times for specific projects.
There are various charts, software and tools that can be used. Computerised flow charts and spreadsheets are commonly used together with wall mounted wall planners and simple lead time calculators in various forms.
Stationary stores and office equipment outlets have a wide range of wall planning charts, which can be filled in to suit your specific planning exercise. Various shaped stickers in different colours can also be used to denote types of tasks, meetings, visits, conferences and key dates. By using non-permanent marking pens, changes and additions can be made as time progresses.
Computerised diaries, planners and flow charts are readily available and are ideal when a number of people are working to the same plan but are at different locations. The systems are dynamic and can be easily viewed by all participants. On line meetings, conference calls and email can be used to discuss and maintain the plan so that everyone can keep up with the latest deadlines, lead times and other important dates. With Internet access via telephones it is now possible to maintain contact with colleagues or a
project team 24/7 when necessary.
Plastic Lead Time Calculators are often made up of two circular discs with a calendar of dates that can be adjusted to show completion dates or delivery dates. They can be carried in a pocket or briefcase for regular use. Many companies use them as promotional gifts, printed with their company name and logo, to give to their customers. There is also a multitude of other calculators and conversion scales, discs and sliders that make useful tools
and help to promote companies.
Whatever tools are used, the importance of effective planning is fundamental to the success of what you may be doing. Follow the six Ps of successful planning, Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
For more information and images on Lead Time Calculator Wheels contact http://www.datascales.com.au
This article may be copied only in it’s entirety.
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For further information and prices email scalerules@netspace.net.au |
Datascales is a product range of Brunel Systems Pty Ltd www.Datascales.com.au |
Brunel Systems Pty Ltd PO Box 616 Cleveland, QLD 4163 Tel: 0410 598 026 |